
BRAVIA® Z8H Series

人们越来越喜欢在家看电影、纪录片或其他电视节目。在此背景下,索尼BRAVIA Z8H系列的8K LED电视在视觉和听觉上为我们带来了异常美妙的体验。遵循索尼“One-Slate”设计理念,Z8H拥有纤薄而简约的窄边框。同时,其内置的高分辨率处理器,带来极为出色的8K超高清画面,通过智能优化让色彩深度和画面细节都得到大幅提升。此外,搭载了创新的音响系统,通过边框震动实现电视发声,让纤薄狭窄的边框通过震动变身扬声器。为了进一步增强用户的沉浸式观看体验,Z8H去掉了屏幕上所有可能分散视线的元素。其设计构思是将电视边框分为两个区域——内部轨道和外部轨道,并为它们进行可区分的颜色和表面处理,由此,使内轨与屏幕色彩保持和谐一致。此外,除了外轨的在边框,设计削弱了屏幕周围所有东西的视觉存在感。支架也较前几代缩小许多,安置在屏幕的两端,以避免反射。屏幕的外围线延伸到支架,创造出电视边框的延续感,可有效将观众的视线引导至屏幕上。

Watching films, documentaries and other TV content appeals intensively to the senses of viewers. Against this background, the 8K LED TV of the BRAVIA Z8H series delivers a remarkably harmonious experience on both the visual and acoustic level. Based on the concept of a one-slate design, this device features a very slim frame. In addition, it is equipped with a high-resolution processor that delivers an exceptional 8K picture quality and optimises the depth and richness of detail across all content formats. This is combined with an innovative sound system that works through the frame by vibrating the bezel itself to make it act as a flat speaker. The bezel is conceived as having two parts – an inside and an outside track, so to speak – with separate colours and surface treatments. By then bringing the inside track into closer chromatic harmony with the screen, the design subdues the visual presence of everything around the screen except for the thin line of the outside track. In order to avoid reflections, the minimalised stands were placed at the two ends of the screen, as opposed to predecessor models. The line bordering the screen thus creates an impressive sense of visual continuity that helps guide the viewer’s gaze to the screen.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

Sony Home Entertainment & Sound Products Inc.

设计 / design

Sony Corporation


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