
Honda e

电力驱动是面向未来的汽车内燃发动机替代方案。自始自终,设计的任务是为这种不断发展的电气技术找到正确的使用形式。本田Honda e系列的开发着眼于功能性和全新设计方法,带来了令人惊艳的清透的外形。与整洁流畅的外形并驾齐驱走在前沿的,还有其创新技术。诸如灯、雷达传感器和多视点摄像机之类的基本功能元素都集成在一个整体黑色面板后。独特的引人注目的圆形前大灯以及大灯形成的人脸一样的造型,使原本有限制的整体设计变得惹人注目。全黑色车顶的驾驶室和宽车轮的双重设计进一步增强了这种醒目的效果。这些设计强调了汽车的紧凑性,并为车的外观赋予了鲜明动感的特征。而内部设计则由于采用了混合风格沙发装饰面料,提供了犹如休息室般的舒适感觉。此外,车内宽大的双屏设计旨在提供密集的可用性体验,精致高端的交互界面,使这款车成为现代生活方式的一部分。

Electric mobility is a future-oriented alternative to the established use of internal combustion engines for vehicles. The design task is always to find the right forms for this constantly evolving electric technology. The Honda e has been developed with a focus on functionality and a new design approach that has led to an impressive formal clarity. The innovative technology of this fully electric vehicle goes hand in hand with a clean and almost flowing exterior appearance. The essential functional elements such as the lamps, the radar sensors and a multi-view camera all sit behind a continuous black panel. The distinctive attention-grabbing circular headlight clusters and the resulting “human face” make the overall rather restrained design of the Honda e turn into a true eye-catcher. This striking effect is further enhanced by the two-tone design with an all-black roof cabin in combination with wide positioned tires. These design aspects emphasise the compactness of the car and lend the exterior a distinctively dynamic accent, while the design of the interior offers a comfortable lounge-like feel thanks to the application of a mélange-style sofa upholstery fabric that is pleasant to the touch. In addition, the sophisticated high-end interface of the Honda e with its wide dual screen has been designed for an intensive usability experience, making this electric vehicle turn into a fully integrated part of a modern lifestyle.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

Honda Motor Co., Ltd.

自主设计 / In-house design


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