
Ignorance Is Bliss

金属是造成全球污染的原因之一,而且由于其不可再生性,资源是非常有限的。在这种背景下,“Ignorance Is Bliss”项目一直遵循着正确的方向,希望提高人们对大量金属残留物的认知,比如出现在饮用水供应链和土壤修复行业中的金属残留物,由此产生了合理回收有毒金属废物的想法。基于大量的材料研究和长时间的原型设计,产生了使用金属废料作为陶瓷颜料的想法,即百分百使用工业金属废料为陶瓷上色。该研究呈现了一个惊人的结果,即金属废料的污染越严重,瓷砖的釉面就越鲜艳,由此可生产真正的非标准化釉面。这些瓷砖的一部分金属残留物来自荷兰韦尔特市的一家土壤修复公司,这家公司每年产生三万多吨有毒金属废料。由此,过去“毫无价值”甚至是有毒的金属废物得以回收,并合理地循环利用,而且在将来很可能扩大回收量。除了废料,生产过程中不需要添加任何其他的金属颜料。本款瓷砖用途广泛、环保、且视觉设计独一无二。

Global pollution is caused among many other things also by metals, which are non-renewable by nature and as such limited in availability. Against this background, the “Ignorance Is Bliss” project follows a committed approach. It wants to raise awareness of the enormous amount of metal residues, such as those that occur in the drinking water supply and soil remediation industries. This led to the idea of how and for what to sensibly recycle such toxic metal waste. As a result of broad-scale material research and a time-consuming prototyping process, the idea was born to use metal waste by applying it as a pigment for ceramic tiles, colour-glazing them purely using 100 per cent industrial metal waste. The research had revealed a surprising effect in that the higher the contamination of the raw metal waste material, the more vibrant the resulting glazed surface of the tiles became, leading to a truly non-standardised surface appearance. One part of the metal residues for these tiles comes from a soil remediation company based in the Dutch city of Weert. That company generates more than 30,000 tons of toxic metal waste per year. Thus, the value of a previously “valueless” and even toxic metal waste is recovered and recycled sensibly in an efficient process and for possible expansion in the future. Apart from the waste, no additional metal colour pigments are needed for producing the tiles. The tiles are versatile in use and represent environmentally sound, visually distinctive and truly unique design objects.

制造商 / Manufacturer:


设计 / design

Studio Agne


Construction Equipment Simulator


Trekking Backpack

Project Moab