
Gira Pushbutton Sensor 4, Gira Tastsensor 4

KNX系统已成为楼宇自动化的全球标准。在新建或翻新建筑时,除常规电线外加装KNX所需的特殊电缆,通过这个特殊电缆将KNX系统内各智能家居产品串联起来。系统主要用于是控制照明、百叶窗和室温。但KNX系统还能无缝集成其他功能和技术,例如门禁对讲系统、警报和音响系统或卫生和娱乐系统。Gira第4代按钮传感器是专门用于操作KNX智能家居应用的一款高质量设备。外形上线条简洁明了,外观优雅。通过使用不锈钢、铝和玻璃等优质材料进一步强调产品功能上的专属性。Gira第4代按钮传感器突出特色在于其大尺寸按钮,不仅为用户提供高舒适度,还可添加个性化的激光雕刻,进一步提升用户友好度。按钮极具功能性的造型和经典耐用的材料使其具有高品质外观,可随意融入各种环境中。此外,为获得统一外观,在安装插座等其他元件时,该产品还可与配套的Gira Esprit系列组合搭配。

KNX systems have become a worldwide standard in building automation. They are based on a special cable that is installed in addition to the conventional power line in the case of a new building or renovation and serves to network the various KNX-capable elements of the home automation system with each other. The main area of application is for controlling lights, blinds and room temperature. However, a KNX system can also seamlessly integrate other functions and technologies such as door intercom systems, alarm and audio systems or sanitary and entertainment systems. The Gira Pushbutton Sensor 4 presents a high-quality line of devices for operating KNX smart home applications. Its design is characterised by simple and clear lines that lend it an elegant appearance. This effect of exclusivity is further emphasised by the use of high-quality materials such as stainless steel, aluminium and glass. The Gira Pushbutton Sensor 4 features generously dimensioned buttons that offer a high degree of user comfort, as well as the option to add individual laser engraving to further enhance its user-friendly operation. The functional form and use of long-lasting materials lend the device a high-quality look that integrates easily into a wide variety of environments. In addition, for a uniform appearance, the device can also be combined with the matching Gira Esprit design line when installing additional elements such as socket outlets.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

Gira Giersiepen GmbH & Co. KG

自主设计 / In-house design


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