

设计师Charles Eames所说的:“细节不只是细节,更造就了设计”,展现了一个优秀设计的逻辑。IRIO落地灯的设计目的是以极简主义和低调的形式语言,辅以精细的功能,来提供最大量和变化的光线。三个灯头可以使用磁开关,自由移动到连杆的任何位置,同时也可以根据需求进行旋转或倾斜,从而做出各种光线场景,以适应任何特定的空间和预期用途。该创新设计的另一个关键点在于可添加原件,以集中光线角度,从而使落地灯变成阅读灯。连杆上的两个按钮可以让使用者很轻松地在沙发上进行操作。此外,使用者还可以分别开启或调暗两个灯头的间接光,和其中任意一个灯头的直接光或阅读光。当调暗时,灯光的颜色自动从最大亮度的亮白色调整为柔和的红色烛光效果。该灯另一特色是其高显色性,显色指数(CRI) 90+。主开关集成在底座上,可以完全断电,从而不消耗备用电源。另外为了方便安装,该产品配有一个集中电线存放功能,以便根据需求展开到相应长度并固定。

The quote “The details are not the details. They make the design.”, which is attributed to the designer Charles Eames, references the logic of good designs. The design aim of the IRIO floor lamp was to offer a maximum volume and variability of light coming in a minimalist and understated language of form, all complemented by sophisticated functionality. The three luminaire heads can be moved freely to any position along the linkage using magnetic contacts, as well as rotated or tilted as needed. This allows various light scenarios to be played out easily to suit any given space and intended use. Another key aspect of the innovative design is the featured attachable optic, as it also offers the option to concentrate the beam angle and thus turn the lamp into a reading light. Two buttons on the linkage make it easy to operate the lamp from a sofa. In addition, users can also switch on or dim separately both the indirect light with two luminaire heads and the direct / reading light with one luminaire. When dimming, the light colour automatically adjusts from pure white at full intensity to a muted, reddish candlelight feel. The lamp impresses with a very high colour rendering of CRI 90+. The main switch is integrated into the base, so that the lamp can be disconnected entirely to stop it from consuming standby power. For easy set-up, there is an integrated cable storage feature for uncoiling the cable to the desired length and securing it accordingly.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

Baltensweiler AG

自主设计 / In-house design


Construction Equipment Simulator


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