

浴室内部的整体感观在很大程度上也取决于各种配件的选择。 TLE24 水龙头专为在公共洗手间和卫生设施中免接触使用的目的而设计。 水龙头造型以基本的几何形状和流畅的曲线为基础,以引人注目的存在感给人留下深刻的印象,其简单明了的外形为环境氛围增添了一种平静的感觉。 创新的微型传感器使小巧的椭圆形喷口成为可能。 采用“柔和出水”技术,水龙头提供一种新颖的触觉手感,细腻的圆柱形水流会以一种令人愉悦的方式接触用户的手。 灵敏的传感器使龙头随着用户手部的移动而开始和停止出水。 得益于偏光膜和自学习功能,水龙​​头可以通过扫描环境,防止不锈钢、玻璃和浅水盆的反射引起的误操作。 水龙头流量仅为 1.3 升/分钟,显著减少用水量,有利于可持续发展。 该产品系列带底座的型号包括三种高度选择,壁挂式型号有两种长度选择。 水龙头符合日本和中国现行的耐腐蚀标准要求。 其亮光、拉丝或哑光表面有六种不同的 PVD ​​颜色可供选择,可与任何内饰完美融合。

The overall appearance of a bathroom interior is also largely determined by the choice of fittings. The TLE24 faucet was designed for touch-free use in public restrooms and sanitary facilities. Modelled based on basic geometric shapes and smooth curved lines, the faucet’s form impresses with a striking presence and adds a sense of calmness to the ambience through its simplicity and clarity. The use of an innovative miniaturised hand sensor allowed for the compact and elliptical shape of the spout. Due to Soft Flow technology, the faucet also offers a novel kind of tactile comfort, as the fine cylindrical water jet touches the user’s hands in a pleasant manner. The sensitive sensor starts and stops the water following the movement of users’ hands. Thanks to a polarising film and self-learning functions, the faucet can scan the environment and thus prevent malfunctions caused by reflections from the stainless steel, glass and shallow washbowls. With a flow rate of only 1.3 l/min, the faucet significantly reduces water consumption, which is conducive to sustainability. The product line comprises three heights for models with bases and two lengths for wall-mounted models. The faucet complies with the corrosion resistance regulations that are in force in Japan and China. With its glossy, brushed or matt finishes available in six different PVD colours, it can blend in perfectly with any interior.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

TOTO Ltd., Fukuoka, Japan

自主设计 / In-house design:

Rina Ogata, Bowen Peng


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