
Jungheinrich ERD 220i

顺畅的过程是物流中心工作的关键,用于运输货物和产品的物料搬运设备必须与任务有最优的适应性。 Jungheinrich ERD 220i 的设计质疑了托盘堆垛机的形状和功能,旨在重新诠释这种类型的搬运车。 其最终设计出功能强大且高效的双层托盘堆垛机,操作员能够以绝对轻松的方式工作。 作为全新创新型搬运车系列的一部分,其配备了完全集成的锂离子电池。 该设计的布局十分紧凑,对于手边通常需要极快速完成的工作提供了巨大的优势。 此外,搬运车还具有高度的机动性,可实现更高的货物和产品吞吐量,尤其是在狭窄的仓库环境中。 新设计包括一个柔性悬吊的立式平台,可从三个侧面保护驾驶员。 整个驱动装置也被悬吊起来,帮助减轻驾驶员的脊椎压力,并显著减轻车架和技术部件承受的压力。 此外,这款双层托盘堆垛机完美的人体工学设计还包括电动转向,即使在重载情况下也能实现无疲劳驾驶。 转弯时,搬运车的最大速度会根据转向角度自动降低。

Since smooth processes are the linchpin of work in logistics centres, the material handling equipment for transporting goods and products must be optimally adapted to the task. The design of the Jungheinrich ERD 220i queried the shape and functionality of pallet stackers with the aim of reinterpreting this type of truck. The result is a highly functional and effective double deck pallet stacker that allows operators to work in a decidedly relaxed manner. As part of a new, innovative truck series, it is equipped with a fully integrated lithium-ion battery. This design allows for a particularly compact layout, which offers great advantages for the work at hand, which often has to be done very quickly. Moreover, the truck is also highly manoeuvrable, enabling a higher throughput of goods and products, especially in confined warehouse environments. The new design includes a softly suspended stand-on platform that protects the driver from three sides. The entire drive is also suspended, which promotes relief on the driver’s spine and makes the frame and the technical components subject to significantly less stress. Furthermore, the perfectly thought-out ergonomics of this double deck pallet stacker also comprise electric steering for fatigue-free driving even with heavy loads. When going around bends, the truck’s maximum speed is automatically reduced depending on the steering angle.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

Jungheinrich AG, Hamburg, Germany

设计 / Design:

Jungheinrich AG Industrial Design (Andreas Knie), Norderstedt, Germany


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