
XpreSole® Panto

全球每年都会产生数百万吨的咖啡渣废料,其中仍含有可用成分。 这种迄今为止基本未使用的原材料已被设计成为制造 XpreSole Panto 雨靴的起始材料。 它们是用咖啡废渣制成的,每双鞋大约需要 15 杯咖啡渣。 这些靴子为可持续性做出了贡献,因为这些咖啡渣的简单处置会释放出大量温室气体。 创新的制造工艺涵盖了靴子的整个生命周期,从取得材料到回收利用。 创新的涂层技术使雨靴的设计体现出可持续性和功能性的完美平衡。 它们还非常轻,减轻了传统雨靴三分之二的重量。 这款外观时尚的雨靴非常适合在潮湿气候下使用,还可以机洗。 此外,双层结构使它们具有防污防油、吸湿排汗和防异味的特点。 雨靴们非常牢固,并具有弹性,为脚踝提供良好的保护。 获得专利的高抓地力鞋底能够提供安全的抓地性能,同时确保持久的灵活性。

Every year, millions of tons of coffee ground waste is produced worldwide that still contains usable ingredients. This hitherto often unused raw material has been used as the starting material for the design of the XpreSole Panto rain boots. They are made using spent coffee grounds, with each pair requiring about the amount of grounds from 15 cups. These boots contribute to sustainability, because the coffee grounds would otherwise release a large amount of greenhouse gases if simply disposed of. The innovative manufacturing process covers the entire life cycle of the boots, from material harvest to recycling. Thanks to an innovative coating technology, the design of these rain boots embodies a perfect balance of sustainability and functionality. In addition, they are also very light, as they reduce two thirds of the weight of traditional rain boots. Perfect for use in wet climate, these stylish-looking rain boots are also machine-washable. Moreover, their double-layer construction makes them dirt- and oil-repellent, moisture-wicking and resistant to odours. These rain boots are highly robust and at the same time elastic for good ankle protection. A secure grip is delivered through the use of a patented high-grip outsole that also ensures lasting flexibility.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

CCILU International Inc., Taichung, Taiwan

自主设计 / In-house design:

Wilson Hsu, Steve Hsu


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