
Phonak Virto Marvel Black

有 5% 的世界人口患有听力损失或某种形式的听力障碍。 然而,平均而言,听力受损的人往往要等七年才能寻求治疗。 Virto Marvel Black 入耳式助听器是在这样的背景下开发的,尽管技术取得了巨大进步,越来越多的研究将未经治疗的听力障碍与更严重的健康状况联系起来,但助听器仍然被许多人诟病。 这款助听器专为 18 至 56 岁的时尚目标群体设计,模糊了两种产品类型之间的界限。 因此,该设备呈现为定制的、完全连接的助听器,其形状类似于现代耳戴式设备。 它遵循无线耳塞趋势,将助听器重新定义为高科技设备的目标。 该设计融合了优雅纤薄的外形和创新的助听器技术,以满足甚至严重听力损失的用户的需求。 它通过蓝牙提供与 iOS、Android 和其他设备的无线连接,因此,既适合拨打免提电话,也适合听音乐。 用户一打开助听器,即可获得清晰完整的声音体验,即使在嘈杂的环境中,也可以轻松对话。

Five per cent of the world’s population suffers from hearing loss or some form of hearing impairment. However, on average, hearing impaired people tend to wait seven years before they seek treatment. The Virto Marvel Black in-the-ear hearing aid was developed against the backdrop that, despite tremendous technological advances and a growing body of research linking untreated hearing impairment to more severe health conditions, hearing aids are still widely viewed by many as a stigma. Designed specifically for a style-conscious target group in the 18 to 56 age range, this hearing aid blurs the lines between two product genres. The device thus presents itself as a custom-made, fully connected hearing aid that is shaped like modern hearables. It follows the objective of reimagining hearing aids as the high-tech devices they are by embracing the trend towards wireless earbuds. The design merges an elegant and slim shape with innovative hearing aid technology in order to meet the needs of users with even severe hearing loss. Offering wireless connection to iOS, Android and other devices via Bluetooth, it is suitable for both making hands-free phone calls or listening to music for instance. The device delivers the experience of clear and full sound as soon as users turn the aid on and allows them to follow conversations without much effort, even in noisy environments.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

Sonova AG, Stäfa, Switzerland

自主设计 / In-house design:

André Ochsenbein


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