为了在日益复杂的全球市场中树立并进一步增强其在医疗技术中的独特地位,西门子医疗在2018年强化了品牌战略,目的是为全部感官提供品牌体验,从而与公众营造情感连接。对于品牌标准音效,通过在相应分配的钢琴上弹奏“健康人士(Healthineers)”中的每个字母在琴谱上对应的琴键。而没有琴键对应的字母则被转化成数字心跳声。让这一新音效的灵感来自于品牌价值和由九个点组成的“ Dot Pulse”(点脉冲)标志,该标志的灵感来自斐波那契序列,然后将这些点的水平调整为节奏,垂直调整为音高。除了开发涵盖所有主要品牌接触点的背景音效外,还制作了一段意涵健康的音乐,这段音乐有助于让人放松、正念并缓解压力,以此改善接受计算机断层扫描的用户体验。
In order to differentiate its position on the increasingly complex global market and to further strengthen it in medical technology, Siemens Healthineers sharpened its brand strategy in 2018. The aim was to provide an experience of the brand for all the senses and to thus create an emotional link to the public. For the sound logo, the word mark was pictured on a piano by playing each letter in “Healthineers” on a correspondingly assigned piano key. The letters that have no corresponding piano keys were turned into the sound of a digital heartbeat. The new sound was inspired by both the brand values and the nine-part “Dot Pulse” of the logo, which is derived from the Fibonacci sequence. These dots were then adapted horizontally for the rhythm and vertically for the pitch. In addition to developing a soundscape that covers all main brand touchpoints, a piece of health-oriented music was composed to improve the user experience in computer tomography as the music supports relaxation, mindfulness and stress relief.
Siemens Healthineers,
Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany德国
why do birds, Berlin, Germany德国
项目团队Project Team:
Siemens Healthineers:
Michael Schmidt (Senior Design Director Brand Engagement品牌互动高级设计总监)
Silke Schumann (Head of Brand Management品牌管理总管)
why do birds:
Alexander Wodrich (Managing Director总经理)
Leopold Hoepner (Creative Director创意总监)
Johannes Lehniger (Sound Design声音设计)