“奥斯威辛集中营的启示”(“Lessons of Auschwitz”)是一次关于大屠杀历史的社会及艺术实验。在参观了位于波兰的集中营纪念碑之后,俄罗斯这群13到16岁的学生使用XR(扩展现实)电影技术,将其个人体会和对大屠杀的了解和情感反应融合起来呈现出来。他们以有力、动人且富有创造力的图像,将个人的经历和回忆转化为丰富的拼贴画,这些拼贴画使历史照片素材变得生动,并将其转换为阴暗、模糊的胶片序列展示,或是人物手绘剪影的拼贴画。这项社会实验的旨在展示年轻一代对历史的理解;他们如何通过数字艺术技术重述重构历史。通过创新的电影技术,学生们创造了一种新的纪念形式,尤其吸引着不同水平感知力的年轻观众,触动并鼓励他们更多地了解大屠杀这一历史事件。
“Lessons of Auschwitz” is both a social and artistic experiment dealing with the history of the Holocaust. After visiting the Memorial in Poland, Russian schoolchildren between the ages of 13 and 16 were invited to use XR film technology as a basis to express the personal experiences they had together with their knowledge and their emotional reactions to the Holocaust. In powerful, moving and creative images, they translated their individual experiences and recollections into rich collages that animate historical photo material and transform it into gloomy, blurred film sequences or that show the hand-drawn silhouettes of people dissolve. The background of this social experiment is to show how younger generations perceive history; how they can retell and reimagine it through digital art. Using innovative film technology, the students created a new form of commemorative tribute that appeals in particular to younger viewers at various sensual levels, touches them and inspires them to learn more about the Holocaust.