
Motorola razr

翻盖手机可以在使用后将显示屏折叠起来以覆盖键盘,由于其标志性的设计和功能,摩托罗拉的手机已成为翻盖手机的代名词。结合了现代智能手机的技术,摩托罗拉razr重新定义了该翻盖手机设计。这款手机配有大尺寸可折叠触摸屏,具有完美的握感。其坚固的外壳是由不锈钢和3D大猩猩玻璃制成的优化保护结构。由于采用了专利的零间隙铰链设计,razr的两半彼此齐平,并保护内部的6.2英寸pOLED HD主显示屏。折叠后,铰链将屏幕弯曲成水滴状以防止折痕。为了保持轮廓优雅和时尚,所有内部组件均经过重新设计以适应更紧凑的空间。此外,razr还具有外部2.7英寸gOLED触摸显示屏,用户无需打开智能手机就能够快速轻松地访问手机功能、通话、回复消息或与谷歌助手互动。两块屏幕可以无缝地协同工作。翻开手机时,内部Flex View显示屏将向用户显示与外部Quick View显示屏相同的内容。这使得用户在其中一块显示屏上开始执行的任务,可以不受干扰地在另一块显示屏上继续操作。

Thanks to their iconic design and functionality, mobile phones by Motorola have become a synonym for flip phones that allowed the display to be folded down after use to cover the keyboard. The design of the Motorola razr redefines this design by combining it with the intelligent technology of modern smartphones. Featuring a large foldable touchscreen, this phone rests perfectly in the hand. Its robust housing is an optimised protective construction made of stainless steel and 3D gorilla glass. Due to the design with a patented zero-gap hinge, the two halves of the razr close flush to one another and protect the internal 6.2" pOLED HD main display. When folded, the hinge curves the screen into a teardrop shape to prevent creasing. In order to keep the silhouette elegant and sleek, all internal components were re-engineered to fit the smaller space. In addition, the razr also features an external 2.7" gOLED touch display that enables users to access the phone functions quickly and easily to make calls, reply to messages or interact with the Google Assistant without having to open the smartphone. Both displays work together seamlessly. When the phone is flipped open, the internal Flex View display shows users the same content as on the external Quick View display. This allows users to begin a task on one display and continue on the other smoothly without interruption.

制造商 / Manufacturer:


自主设计 / In-house design


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