

学习是一个复杂的过程,且总是以个人兴趣为中心并受其引导。当孩子们遇到挑战而激起好奇心时,他们学得更快更容易。Mabot是一款专为6岁以上儿童设计的教育机器人,是一种易于上手、即插即用的玩具。球形结构和黄白配色更容易激发儿童的兴趣和热情。Mabot包含多种传感器,如红外传感器、颜色传感器、触摸传感器以及电子模块,以智能模块化形式呈现,儿童可根据自己的创意,自由组合不同的智能模块,拼搭出自己的机器人。其包含的四套不同类型的机器人零件,可以大大提升孩子们的学习兴趣,同时也让他们可以自由定义机器人的独特功能。因此,孩子们不仅可以决定机器人如何移动,还可以决定它如何感知周围的环境,以及如何与周围环境进行互动。通过Mabot Go和Mabot IDE这两个APP,孩子可以很轻松地控制机器人,并学习如何编写附加功能。通过这种方式,Mabot的概念唤起了人们对知识的渴求,并全面促进和培养孩子的创造力、计算思维和编程思维。

Learning is a complex process that is always centred on and guided by individual interests. Children learn much easier and faster when they encounter something that piques their curiosity by challenging them. Mabot is an educational robot that was developed for children above six years of age. It has been designed as a plug-and-play toy that is ready for playing immediately. With its spherical structure and appealing colours in yellow and white, this learning robot aims at arousing interest and enthusiasm. Containing a variety of sensors, such as infrared sensors, colour sensors, touch sensors as well as electronic modules, Mabot presents itself as a coherent overall system that invites children to use the modular components to put together their own robots. A total of four kit sets allow creating different types of robots and thus increase the children’s learning interest. It gives children the freedom to define the distinctive functions of their very own robot. Thus, they can not only determine how the robot moves, but also how it senses its surroundings and interacts with the environment. Through using the two apps Mabot Go and Mabot IDE, children can easily control the robots and learn how to program with additional functions. In this way, the Mabot concept arouses the thirst for knowledge. It helps promote and cultivate the creativity, computational thinking and programming thinking of children in an all-round way.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

Shenzhen Bell Creative Science and Education Co., Ltd.

自主设计 / In-house design


Construction Equipment Simulator


Trekking Backpack

Project Moab