

国际医疗行业中的公司和实验室都高度专业化,运送活体微观组织是他们的日常工作之一。将其顺利送到指定目的地是一个挑战,尤其是远距离运送时。 InFloat包装的开发正是基于这项需求,特别是针对有价值的微观组织板在运输过程中因容易即刻损坏而需要的安全条件。该产品基于成熟的设计,确保能将活体微观生物安全的送抵世界各地的制药实验室。该包装的解决方案主要是通过将所有元素很完整的封闭包装起来,达到保护敏感的微观组织的效果。冷却包用以维持温度恒定,保证运送过程中微观组织健康。该系统设计是,一个球形容器自由漂浮在方形运输箱里的水上,这种设计能防止微组织意外翻倒。这种结构在有效性和可靠性上都令人折服:内箱可在所有方向上旋转,以防止在搬运过程中造成的损坏;外箱则由坚固的材料制成,具有紧凑的设计,可堆叠,并能在运输时对外力冲撞起到有效的缓冲。

Companies and laboratories in the international medical industry are all highly specialised and dispatching living microtissue is an everyday task for them. Getting the materials reliably to their destinations across sometimes very long transport routes is a challenge. The InFloat packaging has been developed against the background that especially plates of valuable microtissue need safe conditions during transit, as they can quickly be damaged. Based on a perfectly thought-out design, it ensures secure transport of live micro-organs that need to be sent to pharmaceutical labs worldwide. The packing solution protects the sensitive micro-organs by integrating all elements in a highly conclusively manner. Cooling packs ensure a constant temperature to support microtissue health during transit. The system is designed as a free-floating spherical container that floats on water inside a square-shaped shipping box, keeping the micro-organs from accidentally being flipped upside down. This construction, which is impressive in both its effectiveness and reliability, permits the inner box to rotate in all directions to prevent damage in case of rough carrier handling. Made of a robust material and featuring a compact design, the outer box is stackable and safely absorbs impact during shipping.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

InSphero AG

自主设计 / In-house design


Construction Equipment Simulator


Trekking Backpack

Project Moab