
Porsche Design 1919 Globetimer UTC All Titanium Blue

“一旦分析清楚物品所要达到的功能,它的形状外观通常也就清晰明了了”。这是伟大的设计师Ferdinand Alexander Porsche的信条,也是他许多设计的出发点。保时捷设计公司这款1919 Globetimer UTC腕表显然旨在满足公司创始人定下的高设计标准。这款世界时间腕表在外形语言上展现出隽永经典的美,其出色之处还在于高度的易用性和清晰易读的表盘。造型上,这款型号带有蓝色表盘和高品质钛金属表带,显得格外优雅。功能上,创新的时区切换机制,让佩戴者在跨时区旅行时能轻松调整时间,功能惊艳,独一无二。无论身处世界何方,只需轻按按钮即可重置时针,显示当下所在地的时间。白天/夜晚的底盘是上午/下午时间的指示器,帮助使用者正确设置12小时制的时间。腕表关联当地时间,日期会在必要时自动进行前后校准。当然,分钟时间和原时区时间的表盘在复位时不受任何影响。这款腕表搭载着04.110机芯,是专为这种特殊需求开发的。为了保证高质量和高精度,每个机芯均经过瑞士官方天文台检测机构(COSC)的独立测试,并通过了准确性和精度认证。

“If you analyze the function of an object, its form often becomes obvious,” was the credo of Ferdinand Alexander Porsche and the starting point of many of his designs. Against this background, the 1919 Globetimer UTC wristwatch clearly aims at meeting the high design standards set by the founder of Porsche Design. Showcasing a timeless language of form, this world-time wristwatch fascinates with its high ease of operation and a very good legibility of the displays. The model with a blue dial and high-quality titanium strap looks outstandingly elegant. The performance of the innovative switching mechanism that offers wearers to easily adjust the time when travelling across time zones is both exclusive and surprising. No matter where in the world, the simple push of a button resets the 12-hour hand to show the new local time. A day / night disc serves as an a.m. / p.m. indicator, helping the wearer set the time for the correct half of the day. Linked to the local time, the date automatically shifts forward or backward when necessary. Naturally, the minute and home time displays remain unaffected by the reset. The wristwatch features the 04.110 movement, which was specially developed to meet outstanding requirements. In order to guarantee high quality and precision, every movement is tested and certified for accuracy and precision by the Contrôle Officiel Suisse des Chronomètres (COSC), an independent testing institute in Switzerland.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

Porsche Lizenz- und Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

自主设计 / In-house design


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