

据历史记载,冲浪是由夏威夷群岛的土著居民发明的。从那时起,它的魅力丝毫未减。Fliteboard是一款电动水翼,它出色的外观令人印象深刻,因其推进器隐藏在取得专利设计的流线型一体式船体中,这有助于提升稳定性和效率。Fliteboard的时速可达45公里/小时,续航里程30公里,每次充电的续航时间可达90分钟。电子推进器被放置在创新的Flite Box系统中,该系统具有散热和防水功能,且是即插即用的,因此在控温、组装、存储和维护方面具有相当大的优势。同时,Fliteboard使用的特制锂电池和高效电池管理系统都是全密封防水的。除此之外,为确保最高水平的安全性,还配备了进水检测、磁性开关和车载温度监控系统。这让使用者可以在任何时间、任何地点自由地在水面上飞行,零排放且几乎没有噪音,甚至不会掀起风浪。水翼由Flite控制器操作,它是一个配有GPS和蓝牙的遥控装置,它的“虚拟换档”功能提供了稳定的动力输出,让冲浪体验更加安全和平稳。

History has it that surfing was invented by the indigenous people of the Hawaiian islands. Since then it has lost none of its fascination. The Fliteboard is an electric hydrofoil showcasing a language of form with an impressively self-contained appearance, as the propulsion system is hidden in a streamlined and patented unibody hull. This lends the board stability and efficiency. It reaches a speed of up to 45 km / h, has a range of 30 km and offers a riding time of up to 90 minutes per single battery charge. The innovative Flite Box system houses the electronic propulsion system in a watertight plug-and-play system with heat dissipation, which leads to considerable advantages in terms of heat management, assembly, storage and maintenance. In addition, the Fliteboard boasts a fully waterproof battery housing with a special lithium-ion battery and an effective battery management system. All of this is complemented by water entry detection, as well as a magnetic on / off switch and on-board temperature monitoring for ensuring the highest level of safety. This gives users the freedom to fly above the water anywhere, anytime, emission-free and practically noiselessly, and even without wind or waves. The board is operated with the Flite Controller, a remote control unit equipped with GPS and Bluetooth, whose “virtual gear shift” offers a smooth power output for a safer and more balanced riding experience.

制造商 / Manufacturer:


自主设计 / In-house design


Construction Equipment Simulator


Trekking Backpack

Project Moab