

"维也纳弯曲木椅以其独特的美学和设计语言定义了整个时代。大约在1830年左右,木匠大师迈克尔·索耐特(Michael Thonet)开发了一种新工艺,在蒸汽作用下,使木材弯曲,打造成在新颖的形状,形成富有艺术感的效果。随后,这种带有独特的维也纳网状座的维也纳咖啡馆椅(八角形编织的藤条图案)迅速成为国际设计中的经典。这款由Gebrüder Thonet Vienna设计生产的沙发椅延续了巨匠迈克尔·索耐特(Michael Thonet)命名的悠久传统,即以简单的升序编号命名。与此同时,这个数字也为了纪念迈克尔·索耐特(Michael Thonet)在1819年于莱茵河畔的博帕德市(Boppard)开的首个细木工车间开业200周年。这款休闲椅的结构和外观是设计师Michael Anastassiades深入广泛研究后的结果,并且充分融合了GebrüderThonet Vienna 品牌的传统风格元素。既时尚又永恒,引人入胜。正是其现代而独特的外观,将现在与过去巧妙的联结在一起。严谨而富有诗意,N.200是一款非常成功的设计,延续了维也纳编织藤条和蒸汽弯曲木材的传统用法,因此其设计风格与该品牌的原型特色十分接近。和谐的弯曲度和高质量设计,N.200是一款符合人体工学的舒适座椅。


With their distinctive aesthetics and design language, the Viennese bent wood chairs have defined an entire era. Around 1830, master carpenter Michael Thonet had developed a new process for bending wood under steam to artful effect and thus bringing the material into novel shapes. Furniture such as the so-called Viennese coffee house chair with its distinctive Viennese mesh seat – an octagonal braided cane pattern – quickly became international design classics. The name of the current N.200 lounge chair by Gebrüder Thonet Vienna continues the long tradition started by Michael Thonet of naming the seats with plain ascending numbers. At the same time, the number celebrates the 200th anniversary of the opening of the very first joinery workshop, launched by Michael Thonet in Boppard on the Rhine River in 1819. The construction and appearance of this lounge chair is the result of an intensive search by designer Michael Anastassiades for a form that adequately incorporates the traditional style elements of Gebrüder Thonet Vienna’s heritage. The outcome is a lounge chair that fascinates with an elegant appeal which is both stylish yet timeless. It is the very modern, distinctive appearance that skilfully manages to tie in with the past. Following an approach that is both stringent and poetic, the N.200 has emerged as a successful design that is close to the brand’s archetypal features in that it continues the traditional use of Viennese woven cane and steam-bent wood. Harmoniously curved, it offers an ergonomically comfortable seating quality.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

Gebrüder Thonet Vienna GmbH

自主设计 / In-house design


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