
SMK Open

自由释放艺术(The art must be set free.)是丹麦国家美术馆(SMK)的愿景之一,该馆拥有丹麦整个国家的联合艺术收藏,超过260,000件作品。来到SMK参观完所有展品的人都只能看到馆藏的0.7%,其余99.3%的收藏都存在于地下室的档案馆中。为了使公众可以通过在线艺术收藏的渠道欣赏到这个庞大数量的收藏,SMK开发了一个网站,网站的设计为明显的预期功能风格。纯粹的黑白背景色突显了作品本身。同时,在缩小比例的视图下创建了一个极简主义的表达方式,该表达方式清晰易懂,并着重于许多用户可浏览的功能。先进的搜索功能可实现直接搜索,不必事先确定要寻找的内容——主题、艺术家、颜色、时期或材料等。导航灵活流畅,布局灵活,访客可以随时清楚地看到他们选择的结果。

The art must be set free. This is one of the visions of SMK, the National Gallery of Denmark, which holds the entire country’s joint art collection of more than 260,000 works. Anyone visiting the gallery to see all the exhibited works will only have seen 0.7 per cent of the collection, as a total of 99.3 per cent of the collection is in archives in the basement. In order to make this huge inventory accessible in a public online art collection, a website has been developed featuring a design that is clearly shaped by the envisioned function. A purist black-and-white background makes each work stand out concisely, and, with the reduced-scale view, creates a minimalist expression that provides clarity and focus on the many functions through which users can navigate. The advanced search feature makes it possible to search intuitively without having to decide in advance what to look for – be it a motif, artist, colour, period or material. The layout is flexible while the navigation is fluid, so that visitors can at all time clearly see the result of their choices.

SMK Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark丹麦
Copenhagen, Denmark丹麦
Strömlin, Copenhagen, Denmark丹麦
项目团队Project Team:
Christoffer Kildahl (Designer设计师)
Tore Rosbo (Designer设计师)
Per C. Jackson (Front-End Developer前端开发者)
Anton Stonor (Back-End Developer后端开发者)
Thomas Clement Mogensen (Back-End Developer后端开发者)
Pernille Charlotte Mardell (Client Lead客户主管)


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