
SZ Plus. The perfect fit.

“升级版南德意志报:完美的契合”(“SZ Plus. The perfect fit.”)是德国慕尼黑出版的《南德意志日报》(Süddeutsche Zeitung Daily Newspaper)为了其数字刊物举办的线上推广活动,主要目的是扩展新的客户群,尤其是吸引千禧一代,将千禧一代融入该报纸的主题下。推广活动以“数字、灵活、经济”为主要宣传口号,公司基于此制作了六个动画,详细展现了数字订阅模式的强大优势,并在各大社交媒体渠道广泛投放。整个推广活动向受众传达的信息是,其数字订阅不仅是符合目标人群的需求,而是精准匹配了他们的需求。在与瑞典动作设计师Andreas Wannerstedt的合作下,“完美契合”这一中心思想转化为视觉效果。观众对由各种几何元素叠加使用所产生的视觉吸引力欲罢不能,这些几何元素按照精确的节奏彼此相对移动,从而自然地向观众传递了信息。

“SZ Plus. The perfect fit.” is the title of an online campaign with which the Süddeutsche Zeitung daily newspaper, published in Munich, Germany, is promoting its contemporary digital subscription model. The aim was to appeal to the new target group of millennials, by attracting their attention and putting them under the paper’s spell. Under the motto “digital, flexible, affordable”, six animations were created for use across various social media channels to communicate what makes the new digital subscription model stand out. The message is that it does not slightly fit the target group’s requirements – rather it fits perfectly. In collaboration with Swedish motion designer Andreas Wannerstedt, the central idea of “the perfect fit” was translated into a visually captivating effect. Viewers can hardly escape the visual pull created by the various geometric elements that move towards and away from each other following a precise rhythm and, in so doing, naturally encapsulate the message.

Süddeutsche Zeitung Digitale Medien GmbH, Munich, Germany德国
Zeichen & Wunder, Munich, Germany德国
项目团队Project Team:
Zeichen & Wunder:
Irmgard Hesse (Managing Partner执行合伙人)
Marcus von Hausen (Managing Partner执行合伙人)
Annika Kaltenthaler (Brand Design品牌设计)
Nicole Hector (Brand Strategy品牌战略)
Alexander Fackler (Design Director设计总监)
Caroline Gouy (Project Management项目管理)
Claudia Less (Design设计)
Andreas Wannerstedt (Motion Design动态设计),
Kloon Production AB


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