《世界人权宣言》是一项不具法律约束力的决议,由联合国大会1948年颁布,共有30条。由于这些权利对每个人都很重要,但在世界范围内却远未得到尊重,由此人权纹身项目启动了。自2012年以来,“人权纹身(Human Rights Tattoo)”在全球6,773人上逐个纹上了该宣言全文的6,773个字,以激发不同文化和身属不同群体的人们以自己的方式捍卫人权,例如纹身、或者简单的捐款或以其他方式表达自己的声音。所有参与者对运动的承诺共同构成了一个运动和一个由单独文字组成的活生生的艺术品。该网站以此跨越国境,将人们联系起来。它分享了他们激动人心的故事以及纹身的个人动机,以使人感受到自己是一个庞大的社区的一部分,其共同目标是一同构筑全球范围的平权阵线。
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a legally non-binding resolution consisting of 30 articles promulgated by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. As these rights are important for everyone, but they are far from being respected all over the world, the Human Rights Tattoo project was launched. Since 2012, Human Rights Tattoo is tattooing the 6,773 letters of this declaration one by one on 6,773 people worldwide. People of different cultures and various groups are to be inspired to stand up for human rights in their own way, for example, by taking a tattoo, simply donating or simply making their voices heard otherwise. Together, all participants in their commitment to the campaign form a movement and a living artwork of individual letters. The website thus connects people across all borders. It shares their exciting stories as well as their individual motivation to get the tattoo in order to feel part of a larger community with the common goal of together forming a front for equal rights worldwide.