

“ TYPO UTOPIA”是一个展示了排版、字体、动作、声音等要素对人类感知魅力的大型艺术展区。在漆黑的房间中,它使用视听手段将访客带入包豪斯的创意世界。印刷动画和多维音轨的相互作用创造出独特的情感体验,视觉化展示了包豪斯学院几位著名代表的作品内容,包括沃尔特·格罗皮乌斯、瓦西里·康定斯基和保罗·克莱等,展示出了包豪斯宇宙的主题多样性。字体和符号(有的手绘,有的是构造的)通过各种效果产生空间幻觉,有时漂浮着,有时舞蹈着,或组成字母地毯,或变大,或消散。没有任何其他视觉材料,仅从黑白,光影和声音就创建起情感图像。基于对字母的力量,美感和含义的热情,该装置为字体字形提供了一个舞台,并为欣赏包豪斯派作品提供了一种全新的方法。

“TYPO UTOPIA” is a large-scale art installation that shows the fascinating effect of typography, movement and sound on human perception. In a pitch-black room, it uses audiovisual means to transport visitors into the world of ideas of the Bauhaus. The interplay of typographic animations and a multidimensional soundtrack creates a unique emotional experience. Congenially visualising the content of ten quotations by famous Bauhaus representatives including Walter Gropius, Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee, the typographic designs reflect the thematic diversity of the Bauhaus universe. Fonts and symbols – sometimes hand-drawn, sometimes constructed – play with spatial illusions, as they float, dance, form a carpet of letters, grow or dissolve. Without additional visual material, emotional images are created from black and white, light, shadow and sound alone. Based on enthusiasm for the power, beauty and meaning of letters, the installation thus gives the letterforms a stage and offers a new approach to the Bauhaus.

Kunststiftung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle / Saale, Germany德国
Sisters of Design, Anja Krämer und Claudia Dölling GbR, Halle / Saale, Germany德国
项目团队Project Team:
Alexander Nickmann (Sound Artist声音艺术家)
Oscar Loeser (Technical Production技术制作), avk4
Clemens Kowalski (Technical Production技术制作), avk4


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