
Go! Go! South Pole – Adventurous Horizon

冒险能激发学习的热情吗?如何阐述品牌主张才能对社会产生积极影响?2018年,为庆祝橘子关怀基金会(Gamania Cheer Up Foundation)成立十周年,基金会发起了大梦想项目“ 走!到南极去!”(Big Dream project “Go! Go! South Pole”),从而创记录得成为了首支抵达南极的越野滑雪团体。在零下30摄氏度、风速高达每秒50米的极端环境中,该团队成员通过越野滑雪的方式奋勇前进,最终抵达了地球上真正的“天涯海角”。在此展览中,参观者可通过增强现实(AR)、数字互联网等技术“亲身”感受到如暴风雨和极冷的温度等,从而使参观者可以在这个崎岖荒凉的环境中体验各种场景,体验探索南极之旅。南极冒险活动分为六个章节,参与者不仅被充分激发了冒险精神,还身临其境“亲身”沉浸在有冰有雪,有保护性帐篷的冒险经历里。

Can adventures inspire learning and how can a brand present its statements in order to have an influence on society? As their tenth anniversary approached in 2018, the Gamania Cheer Up Foundation initiated the Big Dream project “Go! Go! South Pole” and thus set the record for the first cross-country skiing group at the South Pole. In the extreme environment, the group reached the “end of the earth” by cross-country skiing, forging through wind and snow at 30 degrees Celsius below zero and wind speeds of up to 50 metres per second. In the exhibition, visitors were invited to explore the Antarctic journey through AR, digital internet technology and bodily sensations such as of a harsh storm and extremely cold temperature, enabling visitors to experience various scenes in this rough, inhospitable environment. The adventures at the South Pole were structured into six narrative chapters, in order to not only inspire a sense of adventure among visitors but also to actually create immersive adventures themselves through ice, snow or a protective tent.

Gamania Cheer Up Foundation, Taipei City, Taiwan, China中国台湾
InFormat Design Curating, Taipei City, Taiwan, China中国台湾
项目团队Project Team:
Albert Liu (Project Initiator项目发起人)
Eric Chen (Project Curator项目管理人)
Gamania Brand Center (Project Planning项目策划)
Gamania Chief Technology Office (Technology Support技术支持)
Gamania Corporate Marketing Office (PR Coordination公共协调)
The Chen Studio (Merchandise Planning商品策划)
Li-Chou Yang (Antarctica Expedition Film Director南极探险影片导演)
Hao-Shen Lin (Antarctica Expedition Filming南极探险拍摄)
Yao-Pang Wang (Project Curator项目管理人)
Doris Hu (PR Coordinator公共协调)
Pulp Chen (Copywriting Coordinator文案协调)
Jue-Ning Chen (Exhibition Planning展览策划)
Li-Ching Liu (Exhibition Planning展览策划)
Rae Hsu (Exhibition Planning展览策划)
Hao Zhuang (Visual Design视觉设计)
Tzu-Lin Liu (Visual Design视觉设计)
Yun-Da Tzou (Visual Design视觉设计)
Che-Wei Chang (Spatial Design空间设计)
Yi-Yang Peng (Spatial Design空间设计)
Ingrid Weng (Administration管理)


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