胶带艺术是用胶带制成的艺术品,是近十年来快速兴起的一种新型艺术形式。来自柏林胶带创作艺术团队Tape That在台北松山文化创意公园内设计了一个380平方米的展览空间。在此展览里,他们创造了八个胶带艺术特装区,并展出了由团队成员创作的40多幅胶带画。现场工作时,艺术家们将展览空间创造性的融入主题,打造出从迷彩和幻觉再到镜子屋和夜视走廊的展览区。此外,特殊的声音和灯光装置将活动变成一场沉浸式的艺术体验。胶带方便粘贴、撕裂和更换,通过技术能创造出精致的图案,在这里,大约7,000条胶带运用线条和颜色,将原本平淡无奇的空间变成了极具美学价值和情感深度的理想场所。
Tape art is art made out of adhesive tape. It is a new art form that has grown rapidly over the last ten years. The Berlin-based Tape That Collective designed an exhibition space of 380 sqm inside the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park in Taipei. Within the exhibition, they created eight tape art installations and exhibited over 40 tape paintings created by collectives. Working on-site, all artists included the spatiality of the exhibition space in their themes ranging from camouflage and illusion to a mirror house and a night-view corridor. Moreover, special sounds and light installations turn the event into an immersive art experience. Easy to adhere, tear and change – with sophisticated patterns and skills, the lines and colours of approximately 7,000 cuts of tapes transformed the otherwise plain and little exciting space into a fancy place of great aesthetic value and emotional depth.