
Fading Stories

斯德哥尔摩Fotografiska的展览“消逝的故事-将其传递(Fading Stories – pass them on)”展现了23名大屠杀幸存者。线下的演示文稿精减成了黑白印刷海报,但可以通过AR应用程序访问照片和包括访谈在内的其他背景信息。基于幸存者发言海报的构图美学灵感来自带有删节段落的谴责性文件,目的是展现分割或者破坏故事是多么容易。这能引起观众的注意,敦促他们认识到看破“替代事实”而追寻完整故事的重要性。从技术上讲,海报的排版让他们起到了QR码的作用,邀请访问者使用手机摄像头解锁每张肖像,而一旦解锁,便可以随时访问幸存者的发言、肖像和他们的完整故事。海报上的字体与希伯来字母有很强的视觉联系,在历史和现在之间形成了另一条的纽带。

The exhibition “Fading Stories – pass them on” at Fotografiska in Stockholm portrayed 23 survivors of the Holocaust. While the presentation in the physical space was reduced to typographic posters in black and white, photographs and other background information including interviews were accessible via an AR app. Based on quotes from the survivors, the aesthetics of the poster framework were inspired by censured documents with blacked out passages, in order to illustrate how easily stories can be fragmented and corrupted. This demanded the viewers’ attention and thus urged the importance of seeing the full story, to see through “alternative facts”. Technically, the typographical set-up of the posters worked as a QR code that invited visitors to use their phone camera to unlock each portrait and, once unlocked, to be able to access the full story, the survivor’s voice and portrait at any time. The typeface on the posters had a strong visual connection to the Hebrew alphabet and thus created an additional bond between history and present.

Raoul Wallenberg Academy, Stockholm, Sweden瑞典
Sunny at Sea, Stockholm, Sweden瑞典
项目团队Project Team:
Tobias Ottomar (Creative Direction创意指导)
Linnea Hedeborg (Graphic Design平面设计)
Johan Wendborg (Strategic Planning战略规划)
Farbod Bozorgzad (Project Management项目管理)
Vu Phan (Programming编程)
Oscar Kockum (Programming编程)


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