

Macklin字体家族于2020年4月发布,其灵感源于英国字体设计师Vincent Figgins的作品,代表了对20世纪展示字体的一种简单描绘。它的创新之处在于,该字体采用的是20世纪初期因吸人眼球的广告和海报而兴起的原字体,却通过优雅的旋转和弯曲,赋予其鲜明而优雅的现代感。Macklin字体的原型来自字体发展的一个关键历史时期,当时使用的字体随着工业时代的发展而不断变化,这种特点也在新字体中展现出来,新的Macklin字体展现出现代出版商面向新媒体界面的下一次变革。 Macklin由四个具有相同底层框架设计的亚系列组成,共由54个字体,9种粗细和一个可变字体组成,字体广泛适用于各种场景,包括包装、奢侈品和社论内容中等。此外,大幅的弯曲展现出现代性呈现的大胆变化。

The Macklin typeface superfamily, published in April 2020, is inspired by the work of the British typographer Vincent Figgins and represents a gently irreverent take on the 19th-century display type. Its innovation lies in that it takes the letterforms, which became famous by the rise of early-1900s attention-grabbing advertisements and posters, and gives them an elegant twist that updates them with sharp yet graceful forms for modern use. With roots in this pivotal period of type history, where fonts transitioned alongside the boom of the industrial era, Macklin today reflects modern publishers’ next evolution to new media interfaces. Comprising four subfamilies designed with the same underlying skeleton, 54 fonts, nine weights and a variable font, Macklin offers a broad palette for expression in everything from packaging, luxury products and editorial content. In addition, it delivers a bold twist on what modernity is now.

Monotype, Woburn, USA美国
Monotype, Woburn, USA美国
Project Team:
Malou Verlomme / Monotype Studio (Typeface Design字型设计)


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