
Klim Type Foundry

Klim Type Foundry是新西兰一家专门设计和销售字体的独立工作室,工作室的官网进行了全新改版以充分满足目标群体设计师的需求,包括让设计师们可以轻松浏览不同字体的款式、呈现效果以及价格等。新网站不可或缺的一个版块是一组名为“Söhne”的新字体,这组字体出自公司创始人兼设计师Kris Sowersby之手,他称这组字体是“通过现实中Helvetica字体构筑起回忆里的Akzidenz-Grotesk”,并表示这组新字体是对经典的深度致敬。对字体的热情,与字体的互动并根据内容说明具体字体的用法,在网站上以精致而特别的动画传递出来,这些动画不仅可以快速交替显示,而且可以隐约展示了字体的功能。该网站是以响应式和可变式为基础布局,基于嵌入CSS网格中的经典瑞士原则构建而成。

Klim Type Foundry is a New Zealand-based independent design agency for typeface design and sales. The website has been relaunched in order to adequately address the target group of designers, inviting them to easily browse the different typefaces and their styles, as well as their uses and prices. An integral part of the entirely redesigned website is Söhne, a collection of new typefaces. It was created by company founder and designer Kris Sowersby, who describes the type as “the memory of Akzidenz-Grotesk framed through the reality of Helvetica” and designed it as a profound appreciation of the role model. The passion for fonts, playing with them and illustrating their appropriate use depending on the content, is conveyed on the website in sophisticated and unusual animations that not only alternate quickly but implicitly also visualise the functionality of the fonts. Structured around responsive and variable layouts, the website is based on Swiss design principles embedded in CSS grids.

Klim Type Foundry, Wellington, New Zealand新西兰
Klim Type Foundry
Wellington, New Zealand新西兰
Springload, Wellington, New Zealand新西兰
项目团队Project Team:
Klim Type Foundry:
Kris Sowersby (Creative Direction创意指导)
Jess Sowersby (Head of Marketing市场总管)
Dan Newman (Creative Direction创意指导)
Zak Brown (Web Design网页设计)
Mitch Ryan (Programming编程)
Peter Dekkers (Programming编程)


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