
Grace of Waste

全世界生产的所有塑料中约有40%是用于包装,并且这些塑料中大多数仅用一次就被丢弃,最终通常沦为海洋里的塑料垃圾。“废弃品的恩典”(“Grace of Waste”)赶在圣诞节前夕开发了出来,由于圣诞节礼物繁多而且经常使用精致复杂的包装。该产品旨在提高大众对包装产生的垃圾问题的意识,并通过减少垃圾来缓解这种情况。它的灵感来自日本的一项传统做法,即将要送人的礼品使用包袱巾(Furoshiki)来包装,包袱巾是一种可以连续重复使用的布,因此不再需要一次性的包装纸。而且,由于这个产品是由海洋中的垃圾塑料制成,产品本身已经是对废弃塑料的二次利用。产品内含编码信息,仔细看这个编码,使用者便能知道制成这个产品的塑料垃圾被发现时在海洋中的位置。每次使用这个布包装礼物送人,就会多一次这个信息传递出去的机会。

Around 40 per cent of the plastic produced worldwide is used for packaging and most of this plastic is used only once before all too often ending up as plastic waste in the world’s oceans. “Grace of Waste” was developed just in time for Christmas, a festival where presents often come in elaborate wrappings. The product wants to raise awareness for the issue of packaging waste and help alleviate this situation by reducing waste. It is inspired by the Japanese tradition of wrapping and handing over gifts in a furoshiki – a cloth that can be continuously reused and thus makes disposable packaging unnecessary. However, this furoshiki even helps reduce waste twice over, as it is made of recycled ocean plastic and contains a coded message. On closer inspection, its printed pattern illustrates the locations of the garbage patches in the world’s oceans. Each time the gift-wrapping cloth is reused, this information is also passed on to a new recipient.

Peter Schmidt Group, Hamburg, Germany
Peter Schmidt Group, Munich, Germany
Project Team:
Norbert Möller (Executive Creative Director创意主管)
Ulrich Aldinger (Creative Director创意负责人)
Sven Rieckmann (Creative Director创意负责人)


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