
Get Back, Tohoku.

2011年,日本东北地区遭受了有史以来最具破坏性的地震之一,几乎被摧毁。 同年随后便启动了“东北!回到过去!”(“Get Back, Tohoku.”)运动,自此已持续了九年之久。 这项活动主要目的是为了振兴当地旅游业,并帮助当地居民“找回”他们过去所熟悉的生活。 该活动关注了该地区的铁路系统,艺术性的捕捉下火车的美景和当地风光,目的是唤起人们对旅行的兴趣。 这个为期9年的振兴运动的设计采用了模拟方法进行图形设计,并制作了印有火车、轨道、桥梁、隧道和自然风光的严格模拟图形的海报,以纪实的手法捕捉旅行的乐趣。 每张照片都经过精心编排,以捕捉完美的构图和瞬间,将普通的通勤列车转化为史诗般的艺术作品。

In 2011, Japan’s Tohoku region was devastated by one of the most destructive earthquakes in recorded history. The “Get Back, Tohoku.” campaign was launched a little later that same year and has continued for nine years since. The goal in creating the campaign was to revitalise the local tourism industry and help local residents “get back” the life they once knew. Focusing on the region’s railways and artistically depicting trains and local scenery in a single moment of time, the campaign aims to evoke the sense of wonder of travel. The communication design of this nine-year campaign in the once devastated region took an analogue approach to graphic design and created posters featuring strictly graphic photos of trains, tracks, bridges, tunnels and natural scenery that capture the joy of travelling with a documentary touch. Each photo shoot was carefully choreographed to capture the perfect composition and moment, transforming ordinary commuter trains into heroic art.

East Japan Railway Company, Tokyo, Japan日本
Dentsu Inc., Tokyo, Japan日本
项目团队Project Team:
Takuma Takasaki (Creative Direction创意指导)
Yoshihiro Yagi (Art Direction艺术指导)
Hiroshi Ichikura (Copywriting文案)
Waca Sakamoto (Copywriting文案)
Daisuke Hatakeyama (Graphic Design平面设计)
Masashi Fujita (Graphic Design平面设计)
Fumihito Katamura (Photography摄影)


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