
Deutsche Oper Berlin

柏林德意志歌剧院(Deutsche Oper Berlin)是德国首都最大的歌剧院,因其出色的作品和世界闻名的艺术家的吸引力而备受推崇。海报运动的任务是为了将其优质形象,和向公众提供“大歌剧”的承诺广泛的传达出去,并发展出新的目标群。因此,海报以城市里著名地点及一些细节的图片为辅助,并配上每个人都可以轻松欣赏到的大歌剧画像,从而将日常生活与歌剧建立了联系。插画家克里斯托夫·尼曼(Christoph Niemann)使用俏皮的讲述故事和描绘细节,其中一些故事甚至和歌剧一样宏伟。所有的海报的共同之处在于,他们令人惊艳,能立刻吸引观众,让人感到熟悉而敞开心扉。有意思的是,对于海报内所要表达的小故事,图形仅仅只起暗示作用,画龙点睛之笔要靠看的人意会。诗意的主题和内容只有在将明显不同的元素(照片和图画等海报上的元素)组合起来,一起理解,方可体会出来。恍然大悟的瞬间即为感受到大歌剧魅力的瞬间。

The Deutsche Oper Berlin is the German capital city’s largest opera house and highly regarded for outstanding productions and inviting world-famous artists. The task of the poster campaign was to communicate this profile and the promise of supplying “grand opera” to the public and develop new target groups. Therefore, moments of grand opera that are easily accessible to everyone were brought together on a graphic layer and complemented by photographs of places and details typical of the city, which in turn create a connection to the opera. The illustrator Christoph Niemann used a playful approach to details and situations to tell stories, some of which as grand as the opera. They all have one thing in common: they surprise and immediately entice beholders, opening their hearts. Graphically only hinted at, the anecdotes leave leeway for the punchline that emerges only in the mind of the beholder. The poetic content of the motifs is revealed only when combining and interpreting the apparently disparate elements as a coherent idea. The results are moments of great opera.

Deutsche Oper Berlin, Berlin, Germany德国
Realgestalt GmbH
Berlin, Germany德国
Studio Christoph Niemann, Berlin, Germany德国
项目团队Project Team:
Anne Kohlermann (Creative Direction创意指导)
Jürgen Michalski (Strategic Planning战略规划)


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