
Stokke® Xplory® X

思多嘉儿(Stokke)的 Xplory 系列折叠式婴儿车自 2000 年代初以来一直牢牢地占据着高端市场。 这款婴儿车具有独特的底盘和一个升高的座椅,使婴儿尽可能地接近父母,这些标志性设计特点牢牢地吸引了宝宝爸妈们的眼球。 新的 Xploy X 车型已全面重新设计,旨在提供最高水平的安全、质量和美学产品的同时,提高婴儿车作为时尚搭配的形象。 最令人惊叹的功能是重新设计的座椅,带有活动、休憩和睡眠档位以及可调节靠背。 雨篷进一步向前延伸,让孩子感受到整体的保护和满满的安全感,更柔软的座椅垫进一步增加了孩子在与父母一起出街时的舒适感。 基于斯堪的纳维亚设计风格的 Xploy X 车型非常适用从刚出生的婴儿到 22 公斤体重的儿童日常呵护,配有万向车轮助您轻松驾驭。 产品特别强调了CMF(颜色、材料和饰面)方面的设计,也即本次精心研究的结果,颜色系列的灵感均源于潮流秀场,为潮爸辣妈们量身定做,以满足目标群体的各种不同品味。 高贵的颜色与新的“高清”面料的精细质地齐头并进。 其愉悦的使用感受进一步突出了这款外观精美的婴儿车的感性和审美特征及其独特吸引力。

The Xplory stroller from Stokke has been firmly anchored in the premium segment since the early 2000s. The signature design features of this stroller, the distinctive chassis and a raised seat that brings the baby as close as possible to its parents, turn it into a true eye-catcher. The new Xplory X model has been completely redesigned with the aim of strengthening the image of the stroller as a stylish accessory while offering the highest level of safety, quality and aesthetics. The most stunning feature is the redesigned seat with active, rest and sleeping positions as well as an adjustable backrest. The canopy extends further forward so that the child feels overall protected and secure, while a softer seat padding further increases the child’s comfort during rides with its parents. Based on Scandinavian design principles, the Xplory X for children from birth to 22 kg of weight is self-explanatory in its handling and, thanks to its swivel wheels, effortless to manoeuvre. Particular emphasis was placed on the CMF design (colours, materials and finishes): the result of elaborate research, the colour collection was inspired by the latest runway trends and thus tailored to complement the sophisticated tastes of the target group. The noble colours go hand in hand with the fine texture of the new “High Definition” fabric. Its pleasant feel further underlines the sensual and aesthetic character and appeal of this premium-looking stroller.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

Stokke AS, Ålesund, Norway

自主设计 / In-house design:

Anders August Kittilsen

设计 / Design:

EGGS Design, Trondheim, Norway


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