
ThinkSmart Hub

高效的沟通是数字会议的最核心,此类系统的所有细节都必须得到充分的协调。ThinkSmart Hub 是基于全新 Nano 平台的 Microsoft Teams Rooms 系统。借鉴 Hub 500 型号的经验,第二代的目标是引入影响深远的优化。新的会议解决方案具有更小的外形,且 360 度音频性能和可用性得到大幅改进。它旨在成为会议室中与会者的明确中心,同时在会议中“隐身”。ThinkSmart Hub 提供通过 Teams 平台将世界各地的人们联系起来的一种新方式。根据客户反馈和用户测试,仔细评估了设备的比例和角度,确保提供功能性和用户友好性兼具的形式。隐蔽式单电缆解决方案确保所有必需端口的接入简洁、干净,且安装整洁、轻松,不会出现杂乱无章的电缆。在开发周期中,每个细节都经过深思熟虑。扬声器柱具有定制图案穿孔面,设计环绕截头的圆柱形形状,在任何角度看上去,都可以形成匀称的孔面图案。红色碟形底座用于在视觉上将产品抬离桌面,并提供必要的通风。

Since effective communication is at the very heart of digital conferences, all details of such systems must be well coordinated. The ThinkSmart Hub is a Microsoft Teams Rooms system based on the new Nano platform. Drawing from experience with the Hub 500 model, the goal for the second generation was to introduce far-reaching optimisation. The new conferencing solution offers a smaller form factor, improved 360-degree audio performance and improved usability. It aims to be a clear centre for conference participants in a room while at the same time becoming “invisible” in meetings. The ThinkSmart Hub delivers a new way of connecting people around the world with the Teams platform. The proportions and angles of the device were carefully evaluated based on customer feedback and user testing to deliver a form that is functional and user friendly. The hidden single-cable solution provides simple clean access to all the required ports while allowing for a clean and easy installation without annoying, tangled cables. Every detail was carefully thought out over the development cycle. The speaker column features a custom pattern perforation that was designed to wrap around the truncated cylindrical form to create a uniform pattern of holes when viewed at any angle. The red dished base serves to visually elevate the product off the table and provide needed ventilation.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

Lenovo, Morrisville, NC, USA

自主设计 / In-house design:

Lenovo Experience Design Group


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