
Google Meet Hardware – Series One

会议系统的设计是帮助与会者从容应对会议的关键因素。Google Meet 的硬件系列在设计时就考虑到了最佳的交互体验。作为最先进、最具凝聚力的设备系列,它支持无缝的数字会议。它的设计实现了视觉统一的概念,完全消除会议中的技术障碍和干扰或物理干扰,如杂乱的电缆。该系列的风格特点是一系列简单而柔和的手势,圆润的边缘和极简的线条。其构成完美协调的模块化系列,看起来既熟悉又内敛。其核心元素已被简化为最纯粹的形式,并内置高度先进的 Google AI。因此,这些设备对用户极具吸引力,并提供沉浸式体验。与会者可以通过语音控制舒适地参与会议,并通过出色的噪音消除享受录音室级的音频质量。同时,得益于智能功能,自动聚焦对话参与者。该硬件套件专为支持 Google Meet 开发,提供轻松、自然的即时互联沟通体验,令人折服。这对于所有与会者而言,更加高效、公正。

The design of a conference system is a key factor in helping participants feel at ease with the situation. The hardware series for Google Meet was designed with an optimal interactive experience in mind. As a state-of-the-art, cohesive series of devices, it enables seamless digital meetings. Its design realises the notion of a visible unity that is entirely free of mid-meeting technological hurdles and distractions or physical interferences such as from messy cables. The stylistic idiom of the series is characterised by a series of simple and soft gestures, rounded edges and minimal lines. This resulted in a perfectly coordinated modular family that appears familiar and unassuming. Their core elements have been impressively reduced to their purest form and come with the highly advanced Google AI built-in. The devices thus appear inviting to users and offer an immersive experience. Participants can engage in meetings very comfortably and touch-free via voice control and enjoy the studio-grade audio quality achieved through excellent noise cancellation. At the same time, they benefit from smart features such as the automatic framing of conversation participants. Developed exclusively to support Google Meet, this hardware kit allows for connected communication with an impressively natural and immediate feel. This makes meetings more effective and equitable for all participants.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

Google Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA

设计 / Design

Aruliden, New York, USA


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