
Nature Mini Switch Series

智能家居中的重点在于节能高效和努力提高生活质量。 自然迷你开关系列使用户能够使用触摸屏精确控制智能家居的设备和建筑元素。 通过智能手机里的应用程序,用户可以设置“离家”、“睡眠”、以及“晚餐”等可想象的场景模式。 用户甚至可以精确地控制窗帘打开和关闭的程度,或者调整灯光在一天中的特定时间应该具有的亮度和颜色。 产品设计的目的是让用户通过一次触摸就能过上智能生活。 此外,这款智能家居控制面板的操作还必须在日常交互中提供身临其境的体验。 因此,它配备有清晰的外形,并以其可定制的用户界面实现轻松操作,给人留下深刻的印象。 超大字体、主要功能图形高亮、只保留关键操作选项,这些都减少了用户选择需要的时间。 操作可以直观地进行,无需思考。 每个按钮上的放大热点进一步支持与该系列产品接触时的流畅交互感。 用户还可以为选择的各种功能自由定制个性图标,从而使控制元素完美地适应其个人生活环境和个人需求。

In the smart home, the focus is on energy-saving efficiency and the strife for an enhanced quality of life. The Nature Mini Switch Series enables users to precisely control smart home devices and building elements using a touchscreen. Via smartphone apps, users can set up “Away”, “Sleep”, “Dinner”, and other conceivable scenario modes. Users can thus even precisely control the degree to which a curtain opens and closes or tune what brightness and colour a lamp should have at a particular time of day. The aim of the design was to empower users to live smart lives, with a single touch. In addition, the operation of this smart home control panel also had to deliver an immersive experience in daily interaction. It therefore features a clear language of form and impresses with its customisable user interfaces for hassle-free operation. Extra-large fonts, the graphic highlighting of major functions and a reduction to only a few operating options cut down the time users need to spend making choices. Operation can be carried out intuitively and without thinking. An enlarged hotspot on every button further supports the flowing feel of interaction associated with this series. Users can also freely customise the icons for selecting the various functions and thus adapt the control elements perfectly to their individual living environments and their needs.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

Hangzhou LifeSmart Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, China

自主设计 / In-house design:

Wang Jianhua, Wu Dongyue, Zhang Bo, Zhuang Linyi


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