
Google Pixel 5

为新技术找到合适的形态是设计中最重要的挑战之一。Pixel 5 (5G) 智能手机设计为一种高端硬件,旨在以实惠的价格提供适用的谷歌软件和人工智能驱动的体验。围绕简约的金属一体式机身打造,增加显示屏尺寸,并添加强大的电池,提供长达 48 小时的续航时间。智能手机的整体外形和厚度有所减少,并增加了 5G 天线技术。  显示屏采用纤薄、统一的边框和单孔前置摄像头,营造出引人入胜的平衡感。Pixel 5 的设计也考虑到了环保。这款创新型智能手机的外壳使用 100% 再生铝和 38% 生物树脂制成。这背后的目标是减少碳足迹,而较小的组件则由可回收塑料制成。不同寻常的外壳表面以有机外观的斑点和微妙的纹理为标志,灵感来自具有珍贵而平易近人的品质的天然材料,如石头和陶瓷。外壳的哑光饰面与按钮和徽标的抛光金属之间形成优美的反差,使这款智能手机具有引人瞩目、熠熠生辉的宝石般外观。

Finding a suitable form for new technologies is one of the most important challenges in design. The Pixel 5 (5G) smartphone has been designed as a high-end piece of hardware that aims to deliver helpful Google software and AI-driven experiences at an affordable price. Building around a simplified metal unibody, the display size was increased and a powerful battery added to offer up to 48 hours of battery life. The overall form and thickness of the smartphone has been reduced and 5G antenna technology been added. The display was refined with thin, uniform bezels and a single punch-hole front camera for an immersive and balanced feel. The Pixel 5 was also designed with the environment in mind. The enclosure of this innovative smartphone uses 100 per cent recycled aluminium and 38 per cent bio-resin. The objective behind this was to reduce the carbon footprint, while the smaller components are made from recycled plastic. The unusual surface of the enclosure is marked by organic-looking speckles and subtle textures that are inspired by natural materials with precious yet approachable qualities such as stone and ceramics. The beautiful contrast between the matt finish of the enclosure and the polished metal of the button and logo lends this smartphone a striking, almost jewellery-like appearance.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

Google Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA

自主设计 / In-house design

Google Inc.


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