

投影仪用来执行各种各样的任务,并且在样式和功能上持续发展。 FP-Z8000(富士投影仪Z8000)以著名的 FP-Z5000 型号为基础,亮度提升到了 8,000 流明,针对专业用途精心打造。 其设计保留了为前代机型开发的关键专有功能,例如双轴旋转结构镜头,无需移动投影仪主体即可在多个方向上进行投影。 配备 1.1 倍变焦镜头,可快速轻松地调整影像尺寸。 即使在日光充足的房间里,这款高性能设备也能将清晰的图像投射到墙上。 除了出色的亮度和分辨率外,它还为在有限空间内进行有效演示创造了新的可能。 该投影机在安装位置方面提供了极大的自由度,因为它采用扁平、细长的形式,可以垂直和水平放置。 设备底部的把手可进一步提高使用效率并减少安装过程中的身体负担。 旋转镜头是手动进行的,不需要电源,部件的形状和位置使操作更加直观轻便。 该仪器体现了安装自由的概念,并辅以额外的一些功能细节,譬如能够连接到设备的可调节支腿。

Projectors are used to perform a wide range of tasks and are constantly evolving in form and functionality. The FP-Z8000 (Fujifilm Projector Z8000) builds on the well-known FP-Z5000 model, but delivers an increased brightness of 8,000 lumens and an impressive specialisation for professional use. Its design maintains the key proprietary features developed for the predecessor model, such as the two-axis rotatable lens, which enables projection in multiple directions without having to move the main unit. Equipped with a 1.1x zoom, the image size can be adjusted quickly and easily. Even in a room with bright daylight, this high-performance device enables the projection of clear images onto the wall. In addition to its outstanding brightness and resolution, it creates new possibilities for effective presentations in limited spaces. The projector provides great freedom in terms of installation location, as it sports a flat, slimline form that can be set both vertically and horizontally. A handle on the bottom of the device serves to further improve efficient use and reduce the physical burden during installation. Rotating the lens is performed manually and does not require a power supply, while the shape and positioning of the parts make for intuitive operation. The projector embodies the concept of freedom of installation, complemented by additional functional details such as adjustable legs that can be attached to the unit.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

FUJIFILM Corporation, Tokyo, Japan

自主设计 / In-house design:

Koji Yoshida


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