
Philips Ultinon Pro9000

自推出以来,LED 光源已成为汽车大灯设计不可或缺的一部分。 长期以来,车头灯不仅仅只是一种光源; 作为一个引人注目的标志,它们深深地融入了汽车制造商的品牌标识中,代表了一个明确无误的品牌形象,特别是在夜晚,当黑暗中只能看到它们的光时尤其如此。 飞利浦 Ultinon Pro9000 车头灯灯泡的亮度和白度比最低法律要求高 250%,为改型 LED 灯泡定义了新标准。 它配备了高质量的 TopContact LED 芯片,可提供优化的均匀光束,产生更少的热量并提高能见度,同时不会产生眩光,避免使迎面而来的车辆司机短暂失明。 紧凑小巧的设计模式与各种车型兼容。 Ultinon Pro9000 凭借其动感和钛色一体式设计,展现了高水平的技术和性能。 得益于内置驱动器和免工具连接环,这款车头灯灯泡安装快捷便利。 高达 5,800 开尔文的色温,可大幅提高驾驶的眼睛舒适度,除了出色的性能外,在道路驾驶过程中也更加安全。

Since their introduction, LED light sources have become an integral part also of car headlight design. Headlights have long been more than just a source of light; as a striking symbol, they are deeply integrated into the brand identity of automotive manufacturers and thus represent an unmistakable icon, especially at night, when only their light is visible in the darkness. With a light that is up to 250 per cent brighter and whiter compared to the minimum legal requirement, the Philips Ultinon Pro9000 headlight bulb defines a new standard in retrofit LED lamps. Equipped with high-quality TopContact LED chips, it delivers an optimised uniform light beam that generates less heat and improves visibility but without creating dazzle that could otherwise blind oncoming vehicles. The compact format is compatible with a wide range of vehicle models. With its dynamic design and titanium-coloured one-piece body, the Ultinon Pro9000 communicates a high level of technology and performance. Thanks to the built-in driver and tool-free adapter ring, this headlight bulb is quick and easy to install. Due to the colour temperature of up to 5,800 kelvins, it offers maximum comfort for the eyes and, in addition to its excellent performance, also more safety in road traffic.

制造商 / Manufacturer:

Lumileds, Suresnes, France

自主设计 / In-house design:

Lumileds Design Team, Suresnes, France

Philips Experience Design, Eindhoven, Netherlands


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